
You are viewing an older version of this document (Version 4). The latest is Version 21.

Last updated: 11 months ago • 21 versions | Visibility: Public


This OpenXR-based SDK allows Unreal Engine 5 users to develop their own applications for the Lynx-R1 headset.


We recommend to use Unreal Engine 5.0.3 for the best experience with the SDK.

We recommend configuring the Android platform in Unreal Engine with the following parameters:

Get Started

Create a project using the Unreal Engine "Virtual Reality" template (check "Starter Content").

Add the Lynx plugin to the following directory (you may need to create the Plugins folder): YourProject/Plugins

Restart your project to update the list of your plugins.

You can now package your project for Android to get a first look.


We recommend to use UltraleapTracking 4.8.0 plugin, which you can find here: https://github.com/ultraleap/UnrealPlugin/releases/

Add the Ultraleap plugin to the following directory (you may need to create the Plugins folder): YourProject/Plugins

Restart your project to update the list of your plugins.

Then add one of the four hand blueprints available in your Content Browser: Plugins/Ultraleap Tracking Plugin Content/HandModules/Hands

Make sure your hands are correctly positioned at Player Start that the target version of the SDK is 28+.

Video Passthrough

Work in progress.