Develop with Unity

Last updated: 15 hours ago • 2 versions | Visibility: Public


This SDK based on OpenXR allows Unity users to develop their own application for Lynx headset.

Its goal is to ease the development on the headset and let developers to quickly build an application on the device.

The main components are the following:



Contains all needed scripts to build an application for the Lynx headset.

With Core, you'll be able to have the Augmented Reality features as well as position and rotation tracking.

This section explains how to install and configure the project (mostly automated).


Lynx handtracking is based on the Ultraleap software stack.

This section explains how to integrate Ultraleap Tracking and use it inside your scene.


Modules are additional features already developed by the team to ease your development on the headset.

It contains all the modules we are happy to share with you.


This part explains the different features provided by the SDK with different examples to explore the headset's capabilities.