Get Started

Last updated: 1 year ago • 5 versions | Visibility: Public

Project setup

1. Import Lynx Core

First, you need to import the Lynx SDK Core in your project.

Then "Import" to validate.

2. Install required packages

a. One-click installation

To automatically install all the required packages for the Lynx SDK in one click, you can use the "Lynx" menu in Unity Editor:

Lynx > Settings > Install packages

A popup indicating the packages to install should appear. You can "Validate" the changes.

(1 error log could appear without any consequences)


Unity may take a moment to reload the packages in your scene

Unity may restart when installing OpenXR package for the first time in your project.

b. Manual install

Alternatively, you can install the required packages manually.


Additional for handtracking

3. Project configuration

a. One-click configuration

To build an application for the Lynx-R1, use the "Lynx" menu to automatically configure the project for you.

Lynx > Settings > Configure project settings

A popup indicating the changes on your project should appear. You can "Validate" the changes.

(3 error logs could appear for TextMeshPro without consequences)

b. Manual configuration

To be able to build applications for the Lynx-R1, we recommend to use the following settings:

If you want to use the hand tracking, you'll have to add the following settings:

Warning: enabling OpenXR from code is currently unstable on this version. Please enable it on Project Settings > XR Plugin Management > enable OpenXR (Android tab).

Scene setup

As Lynx is based on OpenXR and XRI, you can use already existing assets and samples for XR.

If you want to start a new scene from scratch, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create a new scene
  2. Remove the Main Camera
  3. Add XR Origin

By building and installing the apk, you should now be able to navigate in your scene.

For further information, please check these pages: