
Last updated: 1 year ago | Visibility: Public


This article describes the modules inside Lynx the SDK that you can use for your projects.

The idea is to provide additional tools that could be useful to you.

You can add any other modules to your project by importing Lynx modules and selecting the ones you wish to use under Lynx > Modules.


For any reason, you could prefer to use gaze tracking over other controllers (ex: simplification, optimization, etc.).

Gaze is a feature based on the head's position and orientation to interact with custom elements in the scene.

Using Lynx gaze requires to add LynxGrabbable or LynxSelectable components on your interactable 3D game objects.

You can add the prefab from Unity Editor menu Lynx > Inputs > Gaze pointer

You should see the LynxGazePointerInput appearing in your scene.

Then, by adding LynxGrabbable or LynxSelectable components, you can customize events on different the different states of your cursor on the object.


See Handtracking setup for more information.

For more information about the use of handtracking in a Unity project with OpenXR, we recommend you to refer to Ultraleap's OpenXR documentation.


Use of MRTK3 is pretty straight forward. You only need Lynx Core in your project and enable Lynx-R1 service (cf. Core setup).

As MRTK3 is already able to use handtracking via OpenXR, you can use handtracking without adding the Ultraleap SDK and the Lynx Handtracking Module.

However, we highly recommend the use of the Lynx Handtracking package as it includes the minilauncher which provides access to the global settings (return to home application, screenshots, etc.).