Firmware for the Lynx-R1 headset.
Follow the instructions to update your Lynx R-1.
Released 14 days ago
Updated System
1. Added a property to store the floor offset
2. Added SELinux rules to access floor offset property
Updated OpenXR Runtime v1.13.1
1. Added floor offset property and broadcast receiver to update origin of STAGE and LOCAL_FLOOR spaces.
2. Fixed delay between the disconnection of the last client and the destruction of the service
3. Fixed an EGL memory leak introduced by runtime v1.13.0 due to an inconsistency of DrawOverApps mode between service and its clients.
Updated Launcher v1.1.5
1. Fixed an issue in panel pose on start due to a bad initialization of OpenXR Session state.
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in Lynx Launcher record.
2. Video See Through is recorded only in Lynx Launcher.
3. Hand tracking may be lost when wakeup after sleep when sleep duration is less than 1 second.
In that case, power cycling the displays is usually sufficient to recover hand tracking.
4. Please note that when updating from version < 1.1.10 from Launcher,
the update will apply version 1.1.10 first then you will have to launch a partial update of version 1.1.11.
This is to overcome the 2Gg max ota file size in version < 1.1.11.
It is also possible to sideload the full 1.2.0 update with adb.
1. Tuning of floor offset will be available in future UI release.
MD5 checksum: b11884685ab0291045d0941c5f4f6a2a
Released 1 month ago
Updated System
1. Ported vendor patches from 03/2024
2. Ported system patches from 09/2024
Updated OpenXR Runtime v1.13
1. Support of OpenXR 1.1 API
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in Lynx Launcher record.
2. Video See Through is recorded only in Lynx Launcher.
3. Hand tracking may be lost when wakeup after sleep when sleep duration is less than 1 second.
In that case, power cycling the displays is usually sufficient to recover hand tracking.
4. Please note that when updating from version < 1.1.10 from Launcher,
the update will apply version 1.1.10 first then you will have to launch a partial update of version 1.1.11.
This is to overcome the 2Gg max ota file size in version < 1.1.11.
It is also possible to sideload the full 1.2.0 update with adb.
MD5 checksum: 66992c648014c1dd2ff784ea0397801e
Released 8 months ago
Updated System
1. Ported vendor patches from 02/2024
2. Ported system patches from 03/2024
Updated OpenXR Runtime v1.12.6
1. Fixed Create compositor surface on main (physical) display when there is also virtual or wifi displays.
2. Fixed Don't composite layers when 6dof pose tracking quality is too low.
Updated Lynx Launcher v1.1.4
1. Improved Recenter main panel when 6dof quality pose is sufficient ie when property "Is Tracked" of XrNode "Head" is 1.0
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in Lynx Launcher record.
2. Video See Through is recorded only in Lynx Launcher.
3. There is no gesture or button to quit Wolvic WebXR browser.
4. Please note that when updating from version < 1.1.10 from Launcher,
the update will apply version 1.1.10 first then you will have to launch a partial update of version 1.1.11.
This is to overcome the 2Gg max ota file size in version < 1.1.11.
It is also possible to sideload the full 1.2.0 update with adb.
MD5 checksum: 3a7f376936c159c148b414036b0dd6e3
Released 9 months ago
Updated System
1. Reworked fan cooling with new fan speed values.
Fan is now stopped when device is in charge or sleep mode.
2. Improved proximity sensor sleep mode to reduce power consumption.
In sleep mode, app, 6dof tracking, hand-tracking, cameras streaming are paused.
In sleep mode, screens are now switched off.
Updated Lynx Launcher v1.1.3
1. Set default hand visuals to ghost hand outlined.
2. Disabled Settings Launcher Darkmode switch as the theming system is currently disabled.
3. Fixed issue where app icon outline remained on back to launcher.
4. Fixed poke hover states being lost on panel disable from button by updating XR Interaction Toolkit to v2.5.4.
5. Fixed Bug with app delete red fill remaining visible on cancel.
6. Reduced App outline timer button delay from 0.9s to 0.5s.
7. Fixed the 2Gb max size for ota files
Updated Ultraleap Hand-Tracking
1. Service 5.30.0
2. OpenXR Layer 1.7.1
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in Lynx Launcher record.
2. Video See Through is recorded only in Lynx Launcher.
3. There is no gesture or button to quit Wolvic WebXR browser.
4. Please note that when updating from version < 1.1.10 from Launcher,
the update will apply version 1.1.10 first then you will have to launch a partial update of version 1.1.11.
This is to overcome the 2Gg max ota file size in version < 1.1.11.
It is also possible to sideload the full 1.1.11 update with adb.
MD5 checksum: 90caebd85bd67814a6cbf5b6010ed41e
Released 1 year ago
Updated Lynx Launcher v1.1.1
1. Fixed OTA panel "ApplyAndRestart" button not interactable in v1.1.9.
2. Fixed Line Hands sometime spawning big color sphere at world origin
3. Fixed VR records not started when MR was not recorded before
4. Fixed XR Ray Interactor filter setup in Left Hand causing "Trying to add the invalid item into IXRFilterList 1" error logs on start
Updated System
1. Added static mac address support
2. Removed fingerprint support
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in Lynx Launcher records
Important Notice:
1. When applying an OTA from v1.1.9 in Lynx Launcher, when button "ApplyAndRestart" appears,
the user will have to power cycle its device to finalize OTA.
MD5 checksum: ba6e1e54c49d819afda5629bdfb96c7b
Released 1 year ago
Updated LynxLauncher v1.1.0
1. Updated Lynx SDK version
2. Replaced Keyboard
3. Added videos recording with video see through
4. Added a button to show Inter Pupillary Distances (IPD) values
5. Updated hands models
Updated OpenXR Runtime v1.12.5
1. Added a link option to allow apps using Khronos loader to link with libc++_static
2. Used IPD values to configure cameras distance in VR only
3. Used 2 third-eye positions depending on MR/VR mode
4. Inverted alpha when compositing Unreal layers to have video see through in Unreal
Updated Ultraleap OpenXR layer v1.6.7
Updated System
1. Disabled Bluetooth by default
2. Changed displays power up sequence
3. Tuned Wifi for certification
Known Issues
1. Video See Through is not undistorted in LynxLauncher record.
2. VR videos are not be recorded when Lynx-R1 is started in VR mode. Switching to MR mode then back to VR mode fixes this problem.
MD5 checksum: f783332c019535ebc88bcf4bd5242555
Released 1 year ago
Update Lynx-R1 button keycodes
1) Changed right button keycode to avoid unwanted interactions with OpenXR controllers profiles.
Is was KEYCODE_DPAD_LEFT for Android apps, JoystickButton0 for Unity apps.
It is now KEYCODE_SOFT_RIGHT for Android apps and RightCommand for Unity Apps.
Unity SDK 1.1.3 is compatible with previous and current keycode depending on Android system version.
2) Enabled left button. Keycode is KEYCODE_SOFT_LEFT for Android apps and LeftCommand for Unity Apps.
Update LynxLauncher v1.0.0
1) Wifi panel :
-Implements sort wifi list by level.
-The string ":" was removed from the string "connected to :" in wifi panel
-The wifi search indicator is set higher in the wifi panel.
2) Integration of the new LynxAndroidSystemCom.jar (version 1.1.1) with the java android callback.
3) LynxAndroidSystemCom.jar now allows to load all kind of app icons (bitmapDrawable and AdaptiveIconDrawable)
4) Minor UI changes of apps alignement in app view.
5) No more PackageReceiver declared in the AndroidManifest.xml.
6) Media Panel : improvements of media thumbnail display
Update LynxOnboarding v1.0.0
1) Minor UI changes
2) More easier exit procedure
Update Virtual Display v1.0.1
1) Added scrolling feature
2) Minor UI changes
Update OpenXR Runtime v1.12.2
1) Fix cache issues
2) Added compatibility with Khronos generic loader and Qualcomm dedicated loader
3) Added support for XR_KHR_composition_layer_cube extension
4) Added support for XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor and XR_MSFT_spatial_anchor_persistence extension
5) Added ability to disable distortion with a system property
Update Ultraleap OpenXR Layer 1.6.5
1) Added support of XR_EXT_hand_tracking_data_source extension
2) Added support of XR_MSFT_hand_interaction extension
3) Added support of XR_FB_hand_tracking_aim extension
Update Ultraleap Service 5.17.7
MD5 checksum: 5d3084655ac6692d44c0d92fa3325020
Released 1 year ago
Add charge-off boot mode
Update LynxLauncher v0.8.0
Update LynxOnboarding v0.1.9
Update OpenXR Runtime v1.12.1
MD5 checksum: a501e89602ec17672af251ee08baadac
Released 1 year ago
OpenXR Runtime v1.12:
MD5 checksum: 48ffd480d7ed761760f69d462637b6f5
Released 1 year ago
MD5 checksum: d858369e54f525a1654b97bf27659cf0
Released 1 year ago
MD5 checksum: 0c9a6eca1274e4476697bdb9f80b74e7
Released 2 years ago
This release contains:
Before installing it, the following files must be installed in /mnt/vendor/persist/qvr:
The option “Erase all before download” must be unchecked before installing with QFIL.
After the first boot, the device displays black pictures. The device must be restarted (powered off then on) 10s after the first boot, to display pictures properly.
When the displays are switched off then on, the device displays black pictures. It must be restarted (powered off then on).
MD5 checksum: 7e64bb7bc047291668e35b41c13676f3