Switch Button

Last updated: 8 months ago • 2 versions | Visibility: Public


A button with the same feature as the simple button, but with two additional states On/Off


Unity Events


OnClickThis event is called when the button is pressed and released.
OnPressThis event is called when the button is pressed.
OnUnpress           This event is called when the button is released.
OnToggleThis event is called when the button is toggle.
OnUntoggle          This event is called when the button is untoggle.



m_disableSelectStateBooleanSelect State is natively deactivated, but can be reactivated by unchecking.
m_secondaryTargetGraphic         GraphicAllow you to use other target graphic for your button.
m_animationButtonAnimation         Contains the diplacement and duration values for the press animation.
useThemeBooleanselect state allows you to use the lynx ThemeManager, natively deactivated.


For inherited fields from the button class, visit Unity's Documentation.