You are viewing an older version of this document (Version 1). The latest is Version 2.

Last updated: 1 year ago • 2 versions | Visibility: Public


Lynx provides quick and easy solutions for integrating graphical interfaces for the XR. The interfaces are currently compatible with XR Hands (Handtracking) and XR Gaze Interactors (Headtracking or Eyetracking). And in the future, with Controllers too.



Hantracking Canvas: A simple standard Canvas, setup as World space render mode and 0.001 scaled for XR, with a Tracked Device Graphic Recaster script.

Simple Button: A button that calls up Unity Events at a simple press of a button.

Toggle Button: A button with two states, toggle or untoggle, calling Unity Events.

Timer Button: A button that calls up Unity Events after prolonged pressing.

Switch Button: A button with two states, on or off, calling Unity Events.

You can add these interface elements by simply right-clicking in the hierarchy and accessing the Lynx > UI menu.

For more standard information about UI, please visit Unity's documentation