Last updated: 11 months ago • 21 versions | Visibility: Public
This OpenXR-based SDK features Unreal Engine 5.0 compatibility for developing applications on the Lynx-R1.
Android Studio
Install Android Studio and follow the instructions below:
Start Android Studio, click on More Actions > SDK Manager > SDK Tools, (check "Show Package Details") and install the following components:
- Android SDK Build-Tools 28.0.3 and/or 29.0.3
- Android NDK 21.1.6352462
- Android SDK Command-line Tools (latest)
- CMake 3.18.1
Android Studio should now be set up correctly.
.NET Framework
Install following components:
Java Standard Edition (Java SE)
Install following components:
Disclaimer: not to confuse with JRE.
Unreal Engine
Install Epic Games Launcher, and add the following Enigne Version in the "Library" tab:
- Unreal Engine 5.0.3
Get Started
Create a Project
Create a project using the Unreal Engine "Virtual Reality" template (check "Starter Content").
When the project is launched, press the Edit tab, then Project Settings. A window will open, scroll down to find the "Platforms" section and click on "Android SDK".
Fill in the paths to point to the SDK, NDK and JDK previously downloaded in the requirements section.
Lynx Plugin
Add the Lynx plugin to the following directory (it may be necessary to create the "Plugins" folder): YourProject/Plugins
Restart your project to update the list of your plugins.
At that point, it should be possible to package your project for Android for a first preview.
We recommend to use the UltraleapTracking 4.8.0 plugin, which you can find here: https://github.com/ultraleap/UnrealPlugin/releases/
Add the Ultraleap plugin to the following directory (it may be necessary to create the "Plugins" folder): YourProject/Plugins
Restart your project to update the list of your plugins.
Then add one of the four hand blueprints available in your Content Browser: Plugins/Ultraleap Tracking Plugin Content/HandModules/Hands
Make sure the hands are correctly positioned at "Player Start" and that the target version of the SDK is 28+.
Android Permissions
In order to be launched from the Lynx Home, the application must have certain permissions which must be added from Unreal Engine:
Open the Project Settings and, in the Advanced APK Packaging section, add the following Extra Permissions:
- org.khronos.openxr.permission.OPENXR_SYSTEM
- org.khronos.openxr.permission.OPENXR
Video Passthrough
Work in progress.