Battery Indicator

You are viewing an older version of this document (Version 3). The latest is Version 10.

Last updated: 11 months ago • 10 versions | Visibility: Public

Battery Indicator :

This page is under construction, information may be incorrect.

1/ Led coloration :

When the Lynx-R1 is not charging, so when the Lynx-R1 is in use; With a battery at :

If the Lynx-R1 doesn't boot, there is 2 use case about the LED :

2/ Charging Process :

We will add a charging mode with the V1.1.7, meanwhile to charge the Lynx-R1 :

Don't worry, we will add a mode "charge" with the next version.

3/ Charger Protocol :

(We have not tested this, we have started a process to get some certification). Theorically the Lynx-R1 is compatible with :

PowerDelivery seems to be the more efficient.